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Senin, 20 Desember 2010

women are more susceptible to osteoporosis

           Data Center for Research and development of nutritional health ministries showed 90% of women have symptoms of osteoporosis, 32% of whom had osteoporosis. As for the men as much as 41.8 percent of the onset of symptoms, 28.8% percent of them had osteoporosis. Why a higher prevalence of women? This disebebkan most Indonesian women lack 50% daily calcium requirement. Survey European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007, the average daily calcium intake of 293 mg per day Indonesian women. Ideally, the daily requirement of calcium for a woman is 1000 mg / day according to the RDA. The best sources of calcium are foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, anchovy, shrimp rebon, nuts, tempeh or drinking milk. Review from TROPMED SEAMEO Regional Center for Community Nutrition, University of Indonesia it appears logical and University of Otago New Zealand. concludes that most Indonesian women consume only 270-500 mg / day, so it is not surprising that 2 days of Indonesian women at risk for osteoporosis. Currently, osteoporosis is a major health risk not only in Indonesia but in Asia because of increasing human population and life expectancy. Half of the fractures resulting from osteoporosis which occurs in the world will appear ASIA 2050, a widespread vitamin D deficiency and low calcium intake. Nutritionist and Health Research Senior Research Manager of Fonterra Brands, John Todd.

Why Calcium? Calcium is a mineral element that most numerous in the body. At 70 kg body weight there were approximately 1.200 grams of calcium yag 99% are in the skeleton, while 1% were in other tissues and body fluids that are widely distributed throughout the body.
Facts show that people suffering from osteoporosis previously unaware that a period of growth and bone development will cease at age 30 years and thereafter declined naturally. For that awareness should be fostered fulfillment of calcium should be done early.

Calcium will help the process of blood clotting and become a catalyst for a variety of biological processes in the body and maintain cell membrane function. In order to maintain the balance of calcium intake is needed more than 1,200 grams / day for 51 years of age or older, and 1000 g / hr for 19-50 years. For children who are the body, calcium absorption can mencapai75% so if the lack of kalsiumtubuh will mengambik reserves in the bone bank. So the longer, the more calcium is taken, bones thinned and then porous.

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